Friday, February 20, 2009

Absolute Films & The heart-breaking mind-fuck!

My Avant-garde teacher is amazing. His name is Martin Cihak, and he looks like a mix from the short french fellow from The Science of Sleep and Golem from the LOTR trilogy. And that is with absolutely no exaggeration.

This week we reviewed German Avant-garde Film from the 1920's. This consisted of viewing screenings by four artists. The first three are extremely influential in terms of avant-garde as a larger movement, but the fourth and last is my new absolute obsession...

1) Walther Rutmann:

-Opus 1,2,3,& 4 {1921-25}

-Das Wunder (The Wonder) {1922}

- Falkentraum (The Dream of the Falcon) {1923 silent}

2) Viking Eggeling:

-Diagonal Sinfonie (Diagonal Symphony) {1923-25}

3) Hans Richter:

- Rhythmus 21 (Film is Rhythm) {1923-25 silent}

-Filmstudie {1926 silent}

- Vormittagsspuk (Ghosts Before Breakfast) {1927-28 silent}

-Zweigroschenzauber (Two-Pence Magic) {1928-29}

-Inflation {1928}


4) Oskar Fischinger:

-Seelische Konstruktionen (Spiritual Constructions) {1930}

-Studie 7 {1930-1931. Music = Brahms Hungarian Dance No. 5}

-Kreise (Circles) {1933. Music = Richard Wagner, Edvard Grieg}

-Muratti greift ein (Here Comes Muratti) {1934. Gasparcolor}

-Muratti Privat {1935}

-Komposition in Blau (Composition in Blue) {1935. Music = Otto Nikolai, overture from "The Merry Wivesof Windsor." Gasparcolor}

-Motion Painting No. 1 {1947. Music = Bach, Bradenburg Concerto No. 3}

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